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Interior Decorating Trends to Look For 2018

If you’re anything like me, when January comes, I’m ready for a fresh new start, and a great way to do that is to update the interior decorating in my home. I feel like a fresh house sets a good tone for the year. I spring clean on the first of the year to get my mind and my space right for everything that I want to tackle. When I didn’t have too much control over my space, I stick to rearranging furniture, but now I like to take it to the next level and really design based on my favorite current trends of the moment. I know– yes, I’m that person, too. So what’s coming for interiors this year?

Trends For 2018

One reason I design based on trends is that on-trend home decor items are usually cheaper and easily accessible because it’s already what people are looking for. Stores make sure to stock popular paint colors and decor items, so you’ll always be able to find something on trend. The other reason to watch trends is that taking note of popular trends opens up lots of doors to express yourself. When you work within popular items, you have more options because there’s more stuff in stores for you to choose from.

So let’s talk about what interior decorating trends we can look forward to this year.

Warm Colors

For the last couple years, moody blues and earthy greens have really dominated the interior decorating world. There were minimalism and Scandinavian style, and both these styles focused on being calm and serene and not imposing a mood on the space with stark whites and cool muted tones. Finally, we’re finally seeing a new emergence of the bold warm colors again.

What are the most popular warm colors right now?

You can never go wrong with jewel tones, of course, but if you’re looking for an interesting and bold twist, try adding yellow to your space. A pop or three of warm mustard or even a sunny yellow will liven things up. A buttery yellow can work great in a kitchen or a well-lit living room, and it’s an easy color to find in fresh flowers. Another popular bold color is red, specifically a really rich cherry red.

Organic Stuff

Yes, you can combine organic things with the warm colors, I promise! In fact, the soft colors of many organic elements can give the eye a break from the boldness of the warm colors. There are many ways to incorporate organic materials into your home decor. Though pricey, you can install hardwood flooring or even an accent wall of hardwood. If you’re looking for a more affordable option, decorating your space with woven wall hangings and natural plants can still give comfort to your space without breaking your wallet.

Affordable organic decor items include:

  • Agate wallpaper
  • Succulents in natural stone pots
  • Baskets woven in your neutral or bold colors
  • Bamboo wall hangings
  • Wooden doorway hangings (They can go over a window too!)
  • Fresh flowers in a natural material vase

Mixed Metallics

This design trend is very new to me because it used to be such a no-no. Now, mixing your silvers, golds, and bronzes is the thing to do–but tastefully. You can even mix matte or brushed finishes with glossy finishes if you want! This trend is also great for white and minimalist spaces. If you like the feeling of an all-white interior but you still want to have a little flavor, it’s time to learn how to mix the metallics.

How do you mix different metallic colors to stay on trend?

When mixing metals, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, pick one dominant metal that will be the main focus in your home and add one or two secondary metals that pop up as accents. Second, don’t be afraid to mix and match warm and cool metals. If your main metal is a gold, adding chrome accents can neutralize a too-warm space. Third, consider the other colors that you are using. If your space is filled with cool tones such as blues and greys, then you should add gold and copper sparingly as accents. The chocolate color of brushed bronze can compliment many color pallets, too.

The beginning of the year when it’s still a little chilly is the perfect time to refresh your space inside, because in Spring you’re going to want to be outside! I find that redecorating with the year’s newest interior decorating trends gives me a hopeful feeling for the new year, as well. Staying current with your interior spaces keeps your mind fresh, in a way, looking forward. Don’t be intimidated by this year’s interior decorating trends! Start off the new year by surrounding yourself with beauty.


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